


A: What would you ultimate vacation be?
B: I’d love to go to Europe
a. 1.極端的,最大的,最高的;2。最後的,最終的
n. 終極,頂點,極限
A: It is really raining outside. Do you have an umbrella I could borrow?
B: Yes, feel free to take with you . I have another one that I can use.
n. 雨傘
A: They didn’t uncover any evidence that would prove her guilty of the crime.
B: I’m not surprised, because I’m certain she is innocent.
vt. 1。揭露,暴露;2。揭開……的蓋子
A: He will have to undergo surgery to correct the problem with his knee.
B: Isn’t there an alternative?
vt. 經歷,遭受
A: What sort of training have you had as a teacher?
B: I did my undergraduate work in Child Psychology, and received my Mater’s degree in Education.
n. 大壆本科生
A: Where are the telephone lines located in this neighborhood?
B: My understanding is that they are all underground.
a. 1。地(面)下的;2。祕密地,不公開地
ad. 1。在地(面)下,往地(面)下;2。祕密地,不公開地
n. 1。地鐵;2。地下組織(或運動)
A: Please underline all of the book titles in your paper.
B: Do I capitalize every word in the title of the books?
vt. 1。在……下面劃線;2。強調,使突出
A: I’ve lost my shoes.
B: Have you looked the chair?

prep. 在……下面,在……底下
ad. 在下面,在底下
n. 下部,地部
A: Do you know when these reports are due?
B: My understanding is that we need to have them in by Friday.
n. 1。諒解,(非正式)協議;2。理解(力);3。相互理解,融洽
a. 體諒的,寬容的,通情達理的
A: That’s a mighty big project to undertake in such a shout amount of time.
B: I know, but I really believe I can get it done.
vt. 1。承擔,著手做;2。同意,答應,保証
A: It’s really hard to undo a mistake like that one.
B: Maybe we could just start over.
vt. 1。解開,松開;2。取消,撤消
A: Undoubtedly , there is still work to be done on this driveway.
B: I agree. After a rain, the ruts form all over again.
ad. 無疑,必定
A: Why don’t you meet us for dinner in about an hour?
B: I’m sorry, but we have some unexpected visitors in town tonight.
a. 想不到的,意外的
A: Unfortunately , I left my keys at home.
B: Don’t worry, I have an extra set.
ad. 遺憾的是,可惜的是
A: It’s hard to imagine anyone not being touched by the union of black and red in this painting.
B: The artist really did do an amazing job.
n. 1。工會,聯盟;2。結合,聯合,合並
A: You have unique way of expressing yourself that is very engaging.
B: Thank you. I really appreciate the complement.
a. 1。唯一的,獨特的,獨一無二的;2。極不尋常的,極好的
A: There seems to be a unity on their team that is very effective.
B: I agree. They really know how to work together toward a common goal.
n. 1。團結,聯合,統一;2。和睦,協調
A: The universal need for love ties all of humanity together.
B: What about the universal need for food?
a. 1。普遍的,全體的;2。通用的,萬能的;3。宇宙的,全世界的
A: The universe is so large that it takes years to travel from one planet to another.
B: Perhaps with the new technologies things will happen faster.
n. 1。宇宙,萬物,世界;2。領域,範圍
A: Unlike yesterday, the air seems very cold today.
B: I’m sure the wind chill factor is part of the reason.
prep. 不像,和……不同
A: If I unload the bricks from my car, I’ll have room for one more passenger.
B: Here, I’ll help you.
vt. 1。卸(貨),從……卸下貨物;下(客);2。退出(槍的)子彈,卸下(相機的)膠卷
vi. 卸貨;下客
A: It’s quite unusual to see deer crossing the highway.
B: They must be fleeing from hunters.
a. 1。不平常的,少有的;2。與眾不同的,獨特的
A: The upper end of town is much more populated than this part.
B: Maybe we should live here since there is less traffic.
a. 上面的,上部的,較高的
A: If you sit upright it would help your posture and give you less back pain.
B: Thanks. I’ll give it a try.
a. 1。直立的,豎立的,垂直的;2。正直的,誠實的
ad. 挺直著,豎立著
A: I am very upset that you left the dishes unwashed.

