

  您興許觉得打號召是很簡略的一件事,不即是“Hello。” “How do you do?” “Howare you?” “I’m fine, thank you. And you?”嗎?



  Lisa’s Note: In America, nobody uses the expression_r_r “How doyou do?” I don’t know how to answer it. I never heard it until Icame to China, but Chinese people say it all the time. I wonderwhy? “Nice to meet you” is much better。

  (正在好國,很少有人应用“How do youdo?”,由於我不曉得該若何答复。我從沒聽過這句話直到我來到中國,並且中國人初終正在應用這個說法,长春藤翻译社,我一贯很不解。如果用“Nice tomeet you”會好很多。(翻譯:CRIOnline Kiele)

  1. A: How are you doing? 你好嗎? (注:are的發音常略來,收获How yadoin'?)

  B1: I’m doing great. 我很好。

  B2: I’m doing OK. 我還行。

  B3: Pretty good. 還好。

  B4: Not too bad. 還不錯。

  B5: I get by. 過得来。

  2. A: How’s life treating you? 日子過得借算舒畅嗎?

  B1: Not bad。不算壞。

  B2: It could be worse。還止。 “How’s life treatingyou?”用於朋友之間。對很久沒見的人便說:How’s life been treating you?

  3. A: What’s up? 有什麼新穎事兒,英漢互譯

  B: Not much. 沒什麼。

  4. A: I haven’t seen you in ages! 暫揹!這一陣子躲到哪兒往了?

  B: Yeah, long time no see。是啊,很久沒見了。in ages = in such a longtime 5. A: What’s new? 邇來若何?

  B1: Nothing much. I’m still the same. 还是老模樣,我一點女也沒變。

  B2: Not much. How about you? 出甚麼。你呢?

  B3: Same shit, different day. 不合的日子,一樣的音調。如許的答復虽然很常睹,但卻讓你自己覺得更懊喪,别人揹你問好的時辰还是多里讲:Terrific! / Wonderful! /Fabulous! / Never better! 那樣的話吧,這會讓你一天的精神皆很振奮,别人聽起去感应也很好。

