




 糧油食物類 cereals,oils and foodstuffs
  化工產品類 chemical products
  土畜產類 native produce &animal by-products
  機器產品類 machinery products
  紡織絲綢類 textiles and silks
  儀器產品類 instrumental products
  沉產業產物類 light industrial products
  五金礦產類 metals &,中韓翻譯; minerals
  工藝品類 arts and crafts
  技能出古道热肠類 technology exports
  醫藥類 medicines and drugs

  蛋品(Eggs and Egg Products)
  荳類(Beans and Peas)
  罐頭(Canned Goods)
  酒(Wines,翻譯,Beers and Liquors)
  硬飲料(Soft Drinks)
  奶制品(Dairy product)
  米制品(Rice product)
  裏废品(Flour product)
  方便食品(convenient Foods)
  花逝世造品(Groundnut products)
  純項食品(Miscellaneos products)

  土產物(Native Products)
  產業本料(Industrial Raw Materials)
  畜產成品(Animal By-Products)
  本料類(Raw Materials)
  半成品(Semi-Manufactured Goods)
  廢品(Manufactured Goods)
  日用百貨(General Merchandise)




If you're one in a million in China, there are 1300 people just like you,翻譯.



China will soon become the Number One English-speaking country in the world.

中國將很快成為世界上讲英語人數最多的國度。 (由於人多……)


The 25% of India',中譯日;s population with the highest IQ's is greater than the total population of the United States.



There are over 200 million registered users on MySpace. If MySpace were are country, it would be the 5th largest in the world.



There are about 540,000 words in the English languae, about 5 times as many as during Shakespeare's time.



The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years, for students starting a 4 year technical degree this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.



Predictions are that by 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species.



【历史英語本文】Columbus Sails, Others Follow and

Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION -- American history in Special English.

In the United States, October ninth is observed as Leif Erickson Day. It honors the Norse explorer who sailed around the northeastern coast of what we now call North America about one thousand years ago. Leif Erickson and his crew returned home to Greenland with news of a place he called "Vinland."

Following his explorations, a few settlements were built. Experts digging in eastern Canada in the nineteen sixties found the remains of a village with houses like those in Greenland, Iceland and Norway. But the Norse did not establish any permanent settlements in North America.


Today, as we launch our series from the beginning again, Sarah Long and Rich Kleinfeldt tell the story of early European explorers in North America.



About ten hundred, Europe was beginning a period of great change. One reason was the religious wars known as the crusades. These wars were efforts by Europeans who were mainly Roman Catholic Christians. They wanted to force Muslims out of what is now the Middle East. The crusades began at the end of the eleventh century. They continued for about two hundred years.

The presence of European armies in the Middle East increased trade, which was controlled by businessmen in Venice and other Italian city-states. The businessmen were earning large profits by transporting and supplying the warring armies.

When the European crusaders returned home, they brought with them some new and useful products. The products included spices, perfumes, silk cloth, steel products and drugs. Such products became highly valued all over Europe. Increased trade resulted which led to the growth of towns. It also created a large number of rich European businessmen.

The European nations were growing. They developed armies and governments. These had to be paid for by taxes from the people. By the fifteenth century, European countries were ready to explore new parts of the world.


The first explorers were the Portuguese. By fourteen hundred, they wanted to control the Eastern spice trade. European businessmen did not want to continue paying Venetian and Arab traders for their costly spices. They wanted to set up trade themselves. If they could sail to Asia directly for these products, the resulting trade would bring huge profits.

The leader of Portugal's exploration efforts was Prince Henry, a son of King John the first. He was interested in sea travel and exploration. So he became known as Henry the Navigator.

Prince Henry brought experts to his country and studied the sciences involved in exploration. He built an observatory to study the stars. Portuguese sea captains led their ships around the west coast of Africa hoping to find a path to India and East Asia. They finally found the end of the African continent, the area called the Cape of Good Hope.


It took the Portuguese only about fifty years to take control of the spice trade. They established trading colonies in Africa, the Persian Gulf, India and China.

Improvements in technology helped them succeed. One improvement was a new kind of ship. It could sail more easily through ocean storms and winds.

Other inventions like the compass permitted them to sail out of sight of land. The Portuguese also armed their ships with modern cannon. They used these weapons to battle Muslim and East Asian traders.



The other European nations would not permit Portugal to control this trade for long, however. Spain's Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand agreed to provide ships, crew and supplies for an exploration by an Italian seaman, Christopher Columbus.

Columbus thought the shortest way to reach the East was to sail west across the Atlantic Ocean. He was right. But he also was wrong. He believed the world was much smaller than it is. He did not imagine the existence of other lands and another huge ocean area between Europe and East Asia.


Columbus claims possession of the island he named San Salvador, now a part of the Bahamas
Columbus and a crew of eighty-eight men left Spain on August third, fourteen ninety-two, in three ships. On October twelfth, they stood on land again on an island that Columbus named San Salvador.

He explored it, and the nearby islands of what is now known as Cuba and Hispaniola. He believed they were part of the coast of East Asia, which was called the Indies. He called the people he found there Indians.

Columbus left about forty men on the island to build a fort from the wood of one of the ships. He returned to Spain with captured natives, birds, plants and gold. Columbus was considered a national hero when he reached Spain in March, fourteen ninety-three.


Columbus returned across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean area five months later. This time, he had many more men and all the animals and equipment needed to start a colony on Hispaniola. He found that the protective fort built by his men had been destroyed by fire. Columbus did not find any of his men.

Seven months later, Columbus sent five ships back to Spain. They carried Indians to be sold as slaves. Columbus also sailed back to Spain leaving behind some settlers who were not happy with conditions.

Christopher Columbus made another trip in fourteen ninety-eight, with six ships. This time he saw the coast of South America. The settlers were so unhappy with conditions in the new colony, Columbus was sent back to Spain as a prisoner. Spain's rulers pardoned him.

In fifteen-oh-two, Columbus made his final voyage to what some were calling the New World. He stayed on the island of Jamaica until he returned home in fifteen-oh-four.


During all his trips, Columbus explored islands and waterways, searching for a passage to the Indies. He never found it. He also did not find spices or great amounts of gold. Yet, he always believed that he had found the Indies. He refused to recognize that it was really a new world.

Evidence of this was all around him -- strange plants that were not known in either Europe or Asia and a different people who did not understand any language spoken in the East.

Columbus' voyages, however, opened up the new world. Others later explored all of North America.


You may be wondering about the name of this new land. If Christopher Columbus was the first European to attempt to settle the new world, why is it called "America"? The answer lies with the name of an Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci.

He visited the coast of South America in fourteen ninety-nine. He wrote stories about his experiences that were widely read in Europe.

In fifteen-oh-seven, a German mapmaker read Vespucci's stories. He decided that the writer had discovered the new world and suggested that it be called America in his honor. So it was.



Spanish explorers sought to find gold and power in the New World. They also wanted to expand belief in what they considered to be the true religion, Christianity.

The first of these Spanish explorers was Juan Ponce de Leon. He landed on North America in fifteen thirteen. He explored the eastern coast of what is now the southern state of Florida. He was searching for a special kind of water that people in Europe believed existed. They believed that this water could make old people young again. Ponce de Leon never found it.


Also in fifteen thirteen, Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean. In fifteen nineteen, Hernan Cortes landed an army in Mexico and destroyed the empire of the Aztec Indians.

That same year Ferdinand Magellan began his three-year voyage around the world. And in the fifteen thirties, Francisco Pizarro destroyed the Inca Indian empire in Peru.


Ten years later, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado had marched as far north as the central American state of Kansas and west to the Grand Canyon. About the same time, Hernan de Soto reached the Mississippi River. Fifty years after Columbus first landed in San Salvador, Spain claimed a huge area of America.

The riches of these new lands made Spain the greatest power in Europe. But other nations refused to accept Spain's claim to rights in the new world. Explorers from England, France and Holland also were traveling to North America. That will be our story next week.



This MAKING OF A NATION program was written by Nancy Steinbach and produced by Paul Thompson. This is Rich Kleinfeldt.


And this is Sarah Long. Join us again next week for another Special English program about the history of the United States.



A condensed Employee Life Cycle


Today I saw a chart of a 12-step Employee Life Cycle. Maybe Human Resources professionals need that much detail, but functional managers don't. Here is a four-step, condensed employee life cycle plan that tells you everything you need to know.


An employee life cycle is the steps the employees go through from the time they enter a company until they leave. Often Human Resources professionals focus their attention on the steps in this process in hopes of making an impact on the company's bottom line. That is a good thing for them to do. Their goal is to reduce the company's cost per employee hired.


Unfortunately, they aren't the ones who really make a difference 翻 managers are. People don't really work for companies; they work for a boss. To the extent that you can be a good boss, you can keep employees, keep them happy, and reduce the costs associated with employee turnover. In the process, you will make your own job easier and increase your value to the company.


Employees are one of a company's largest expenses these days. Unlike other major capital costs (buildings, machinery, technology, etc.) human capital is highly volatile. You, as a manager, are in a key position to reduce that volatility using the condensed employee life cycle of HIAR (pronounced hire) - Hire, Inspire, Admire, Retire.


Hire 僱傭

This first step is probably the most important. It is important to hire the best people you can find. This is not a time to be cheap. The cost of replacing a bad hire far exceeds the marginal additional cost of hiring the best person in the first place.


1.Hire talent, not just trainable skills. Skills can be taught to a talented employee. A skilled employee can not just be given talent.


2.Improve your interviewing skills. Often this can be as simple as knowing what questions to ask during the hiring process.


3.Make your company a place people want to come to and work for. Company culture can be a powerful recruiting tool. Make sure yours reflects the goals the company wants to achieve.


Inspire 鼓勵

Once you have recruited the best employees to come to work on your team, the hard part begins. You have to inspire them to perform to their capabilities. You have to challenge and motivate them. That is where you will get their best effort and their creativity that will help your organization excel.

在你為團隊招到了最優良的員工那刻,最難的侷部起頭了。你須要鼓勵他們闡揚自己的潛能。你必须接受挑釁,激勵他們,讓他們儘最年夜儘力,发挥最好的翻新才干, 這樣,你的團隊才坤最優異。

1.Make them welcome. Make them feel like part of the team from the first day.


2.Set goals for them that are hard, but can be achieved. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals.

诚然為他們設破目标是很易的,但是也是能夠實現的。為他們設坐S.M.A.R.T.圆針。(S:special 特別化; M:measurable 可测量性;A:Achievable 可实現性;R:Realistic 事實性;T:Time-based 時光基础)

3.Be a leader, not just a manager.




  您興許觉得打號召是很簡略的一件事,不即是“Hello。” “How do you do?” “Howare you?” “I’m fine, thank you. And you?”嗎?



  Lisa’s Note: In America, nobody uses the expression_r_r “How doyou do?” I don’t know how to answer it. I never heard it until Icame to China, but Chinese people say it all the time. I wonderwhy? “Nice to meet you” is much better。

  (正在好國,很少有人应用“How do youdo?”,由於我不曉得該若何答复。我從沒聽過這句話直到我來到中國,並且中國人初終正在應用這個說法,长春藤翻译社,我一贯很不解。如果用“Nice tomeet you”會好很多。(翻譯:CRIOnline Kiele)

  1. A: How are you doing? 你好嗎? (注:are的發音常略來,收获How yadoin'?)

  B1: I’m doing great. 我很好。

  B2: I’m doing OK. 我還行。

  B3: Pretty good. 還好。

  B4: Not too bad. 還不錯。

  B5: I get by. 過得来。

  2. A: How’s life treating you? 日子過得借算舒畅嗎?

  B1: Not bad。不算壞。

  B2: It could be worse。還止。 “How’s life treatingyou?”用於朋友之間。對很久沒見的人便說:How’s life been treating you?

  3. A: What’s up? 有什麼新穎事兒,英漢互譯

  B: Not much. 沒什麼。

  4. A: I haven’t seen you in ages! 暫揹!這一陣子躲到哪兒往了?

  B: Yeah, long time no see。是啊,很久沒見了。in ages = in such a longtime 5. A: What’s new? 邇來若何?

  B1: Nothing much. I’m still the same. 还是老模樣,我一點女也沒變。

  B2: Not much. How about you? 出甚麼。你呢?

  B3: Same shit, different day. 不合的日子,一樣的音調。如許的答復虽然很常睹,但卻讓你自己覺得更懊喪,别人揹你問好的時辰还是多里讲:Terrific! / Wonderful! /Fabulous! / Never better! 那樣的話吧,這會讓你一天的精神皆很振奮,别人聽起去感应也很好。


【今日英語】Crowded universe 正正在其它星毬上的生命

  更新時間 2012年 10月 29日, 禮拜一 - 格林僧治標準時間11:46

  We might not be alone in the universe. Actually, it may be confirmed as a very crowded place by new computer models developed to help identify habitable planets.

  Estimates of places that can sustain life have been based on the likelihood of them havingsurface water.


But software recently developed by the Aberdeen University allows researchers to identify planets with underground water kept liquid by planetary heat.

  Water is fundamental for life and planets too close to the sun lose water to the atmosphere through evaporation.On the other hand, planets located in distant reaches from their star have their surface water locked away as ice.

  Sean McMahon, who is carrying out the work, explained: "Traditionally people have said that if a planet is in this Goldilocks zone - not too hot and not too cold - then it can have liquid water on its surface and be habitable."

  But this perception might change when considering that planets can receive two sources of heat - heat direct from the star and heat generated deep inside the planet.

  It is easy to observe it in our own planet. As you descend through thecrust of the Earth, the temperature gets higher and higher. Even when the surface is frozen, water can exist below ground.

  There could be immense quantities of water in fact - teeming with primitive life.

  Professor John Parnell, also from Aberdeen University said: "There is a significant habitat for microorganisms below the surface of the Earth, extending down several kilometres".

  "And some believe that the bulk of life on Earth could even reside in this deep biosphere."

  So the Aberdeen team are developing models to predict which far-flungplanets might harbour underground reservoirs of liquid water with the possibility of alien life.

  Quiz 測驗

  What sign suggests to scientists that a planet can sustain life?

  Where might the heat in a planet come from?

  Is the following statement true, false or not given? Even at high temperatures there is plenty of life deep below the surface of the Earth.

  What phrasal verb in the article means to put something in a place from where it cannot be removed easily?

  What word is used to refer to beings that are very small?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · computer model計算機模型

  · habitable可居住的

  · to sustain維持

  · likelihood能夠性

  · surface天表

  · underground地下

  · fundamental基礎的

  ·,长春藤翻译社; atmosphere大年夜氣層

  · evaporation蒸發,揮發

  · on the other hand别的一圓裏

  · locked away鎖了起來

  · Goldilocks zone宜居帶,可棲身地區

  · to descend揹下

  · crust of the Earth天毬的地殼

  · to teem充滿

  · habitat保留環境

  ·,法譯中; microorganism微逝世物

  · biosphere死物圈

  · far-flung遙遠的

  · to harbour隱躲

  · reservoir水庫


【新闻戴注】英國一中教扯謊不受獎 稱錘煉交換才干



  Telling a lie can get you on Santa's naughty list, but it could get you on the Dean's list at one British school.

  Students at the Perse School in Cambridge, England, can avoid punishment for minor offenses, provided they can come up with quick, clever excuses for their transgressions within 10 seconds.

  Headmaster Ed Elliott won't allow complete B.S., but "white lies" may be acceptable.

  "It's a great lesson in life to talk your way out of a tight corner in a very short period of time," Elliot told the BBC.

  Rewarding a child for lying may seem counter-intuitive, but Elliot believes he's fostering important communication skills.

  “As head I like to play my part in creating a quick-thinking, communication ‘savvy’ generation, by giving students who have committed a minor offense 10 seconds to talk their way out of a punishment," he told the Cambridge News. "Many rise admirably to the challenge, and in so doing develop the charm and eloquence needed in the next generation of British entrepreneurs and wealth creators.”

  The school's alum includes luminaries such as Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour, but Elliott suggests his "lie-dea" may give current students the right verbal skills to succeed in the world, according to the Telegraph.

  Some wags have protested that Elliott is merely training students to be politicians, Geobeats.com reported, but rhetoric expert Sam Leith thinks it's a brilliant idea -- no lie.

  "You can see this being a really important life skill and actually politicians, some of them, are the absolute straight arrow, but often the ones who get further are the artful dodgers," Leith told the BBC.




Jessica:Hey 怡茹, what's your plan for the weekend?

YR: 我本來大壆的同壆組了個樂隊,古早在酒吧上演,怎樣?要不要一路來?

Jessica: 那,得看樂隊成員帥不帥呀?

YR: 那你一定得往! 我那些同学皆是大年夜壆裏的校草級人物,主唱更是人帥性情好,年夜教的時辰僟乎是平易近眾戀人啊!

Jessica: Ha! Sounds like a lady killer to me!

YR: Lady killer? 女性...殺腳?

Jessica: No! A lady killer refers to a man who's extremely charming and women just throw themselves at him. These guys are usually very good-looking.

YR: 這的確即是我阿誰同学的寫炤!Every girl dreamt of dating him in college. He's such a lady killer! 只筦如此,別人卻特别隨跟,一里也不容易伺候! 不像我男朋友人,動不動就不高兴,我僟乎受夠了!

Jessica: Hmm, I didn't know that your boyfriend is a high-maintenance guy.

YR: High maintenance? 高级維建?我倒不用維建我男朋儕...

Jessica: Haha Yiru, when you say someone is high-maintenance, it means he or she is really hard to satisfy.

YR: 哦,我懂了,便是難伺候!My boyfriend is definitely high-maintenance. He's constantly complaining, and can easily get upset!

Jessica: I'm sorry Yiru. You know what? Maybe you will have a shot with that lady killer classmate.

YR: 我?我可配不上他。對了,這個“配不上”用英語怎樣說?

Jessica: You can say A is out of B's league. 意義就是A配不上B。But Yiru, a nice girl like you deserves someone awesome! I don't think any guy is out of YOUR league!

YR: 呵呵,感謝您 Jessica! 那你凌晨跟我一起來哦!

Jessica: Sure. I'll go with you. Before we get ready for the party, tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一,群眾戀人叫做 lady killer;

第兩,描写某人難伺候能夠用 high-maintenance;

第三,配不上,叫做 out of someone's league!